Pilates Fitness with Linda - Evening (2024) - T3

Date: To be confirmed.  Book to register your expression of interest

Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm 

Discover the ultimate solution for individuals seeking a serene approach to fitness.  Ideal for both men and women, especially beneficial for women undergoing per and menopausal transition, and anyone combatting stress, anxiety or burnout.  BYO mat, towel and water bottle.  

Class duration: 1 hour per session.

  • Starts

    25th Jul 2024, Thu

  • Ends

    29th Aug 2024, Thu

  • Where

    Door 1 - Meeting Room 2&3

  • Facilitator

    Linda Nogara

  • Price level


    Could not find any active session.
    Contact Us
    03 9530 4397


    To set out the guidelines for the management of confidentiality and privacy in the workplace. 



    This policy ensures that we comply with the provisions of the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 and other associated Regulations.  This policy ensures access to, and the collection and use of, personal information provided by people to our employees, contractors, and volunteers is managed responsibly through a system of control.  

    We are guided by laws which impose specific obligations when it comes to handling information.  We have adopted the following privacy principles contained as minimum standards in relation to handling personal information. Personal information is printed, electronic or verbal information which directly or indirectly identifies a person. 

    We expect all our employees, volunteers and contractors to adhere to this policy without exception. 



    In accordance with the thirteen Australian Privacy Principles, we will have open and transparent management of personal information by:  

    1. will only collect personal information with an individual’s prior knowledge and consent; 

    1. will only use personal information provided by an individual for the purposes for which it was collected; 

    1. will not disclose personal information to a third party without the individual’s consent; 

    1. will not disclose personal information to other institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation; 

    1. will remove personal information from records when it is no longer required (except where archiving is required);  

    1. have processes and policies to protect the personal information that we have under our control from: 

    • unauthorised access; 

    • improper use; 

    • alteration; 

    • unlawful or accidental destruction and accidental loss 




    Collection of Information 

    Personal information collected by us is only for the purposes which are directly related to the provision of services by our organisation. 

    The information provided by people when engaging our services or participating in our activities is primarily used for communication purposes. This is usually limited to names, addresses, contact and emergency contact details but may require further information in certain circumstances. 

    We will collect contact details of our suppliers to enable us to place orders for our organisation. 

    We will collect personal information from our employees relating to their initial and ongoing employment, our volunteers as part of their service and as part of engaging contractors to perform work for our organisation. 


    Use and disclosure 

    We do not disclose individually identifiable information to any third party unless required to do so under law.   

    We will not disclose personal information about individuals to any third party other than when prior consent has been provided such as to confirm employment with a bank or fulfilling our obligations under law.  

    We may provide relevant personal information about an individual in an emergency if it will prevent or lesson a serious and imminent threat to yours or another person’s health or safety.  If we do this, a record will be made of the situation and decision making involved in releasing that personal information, and who it was released to. 

    We will not use personal information or images for direct marketing, social media or our website unless prior consent has been obtained in writing and an opt-out provision has been explained. 

    Employees and volunteers are to refer to the organisation’s management before providing information to an external source if they are unsure if the information is confidential. 


    Access to personal information 

    Employees, volunteers, contractors and people accessing our services may access their personal information at any time by contacting management. 


    Security of information 

    We will take steps to protect the personal information held against misuse and loss, unauthorised access, interference, unauthorised modification or disclosure. These steps include reasonable safeguards for electronic and hard copy records such as: 

    • Locking filing cabinets and unattended storage areas; 

    • Physically securing the areas in which the personal information is stored; 

    • Not storing personal information in public areas; 

    • Establishing different access levels so that not all employees and volunteers can view all information; 

    • Installing virus protections and firewalls; and  

    • Positioning our computer, phone and iPad/tablet screens so that they cannot be seen or accessed by unauthorised people or members of the public.  

    We will destroy personal information once it is not required to be kept for the purpose for which it is collected, including from decommissioned laptops and mobile phones. 



    Confidentiality relates to the treatment and accessibility of information that has been disclosed or overheard during the course of a professional relationship. Confidentiality is a balance between safeguarding the rights of individuals, discharging professional duty of care and weighing up the need for others to know.   

    We all have an obligation to refrain from disclosing or discussion information with others that is given in confidence. This obligation remains if you are no longer working with us. 

    During your work with Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House, you are likely to come into contact with, or become aware of, certain sensitive information about either Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House or our clients which we are required to keep confidential.   


    We expect that individuals treat as confidential all information acquired by them during their employment, service or engagement including, without limitation: 

    • Trade secrets or other commercially sensitive or confidential information; 

    • Sensitive information such as financial transactions, the personal identity of clients accessing our services, attendance information etc; 

    • Any information provided by clients or potential clients; and 

    • Any other information from time to time indicated as confidential. 



    If you suspect a breach of confidentiality or privacy, the matter should be raised with organisation management. Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action.  The action taken will depend on the seriousness of the breach, but may include counselling, formal warning, or termination of employment or contract. 



    Include policy versions – new policy, no previous versions available. 

    The purpose of this policy is to describe the responsibilities and methods for managing enrolment fees and refunds associated with program class or workshop fees. 


    All classes follow GST rulings for NFP Organisations as outlined in the Guide ‘Tax basics for non-profit organisations’ NAT 7966-08.214. 

    Payments can be made by cash, direct deposit/EFT or online. Online payments will incur additional transaction fees. All course fees must be paid in advance when enrolling.   This policy will come into effect upon enrolment. 


    Participating at classes, courses and programs at PPNH 

    A non-refundable annual administration fee is due at the time of enrolment, this is additional to the course fee. This fee is payable once only during the calendar year. 

    All participants to classes who have paid the annual administration fee are welcome to become a member and be part of the future growth of Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House.  

    Bookings are essential for all activities. 



    Classes will run subject to having minimum numbers enrolled. If a course is cancelled due to insufficient enrolments or other factors, participants will be notified and a credit or refund for class fees (excluding transaction fees) will be issued.   

    For participants wanting to enrol in a course for part of the term, this will need to be discussed with Management and considered for approval. This is subject to minimum numbers being enrolled, and pro rata fees at a higher rate applied.    Discretion may be exercised by Management in all situations. 


    A refund will be provided if; 

    No tutor/teacher is available. 

    Classes cancelled by PPNH, due to unforeseen circumstances ie; building closure. 

    Classes cancelled due to Covid-19, in line with Victorian Government regulations and PPNH covid safe plan. 


    A refund will not be provided if; 

    Participant is unable to attend (for example holidays) 

    If a participant withdraws from the course once the course has commenced. 



    We understand that circumstances change, and participants may need to withdraw from a course. Where a participant cancels or withdraws their enrolment 3 days prior to the course commencing, a refund of fees [excluding transaction fees] will be permitted. 

    Should a cancellation be made with less than 72 hours to course commencement, fees will not be refunded.